DNA修復|慶應義塾大学 薬学部 分子腫瘍薬学講座
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ATR inhibition radiosensitizes cells through augmented DNA Damage and G2 cell cycle arrest abrogation, JCI insight

Identification of the main barriers to Ku accumulation in chromatin, Cell Rep (←誰か論文紹介してくれますかね、、)

Non-homologous end joining shapes the genomic rearrangement landscape of chromothripsis from mitotic errors, Nat Comm

Widespread chromatin context-dependencies of DNA double-strand break repair proteins, Nat Comm

Strand asymmetry in the repair of replication dependent double-strand breaks, preprint

Evolved histone tail regulates 53BP1 recruitment at damaged chromatin, Nat Comm

UBE2D3 facilitates NHEJ by orchestrating ATM signalling through multi-level control of RNF168, Nat Comm

Ubiquitin-induced RNF168 condensation promotes DNA double-strand break repair, PNAS

ATM inhibition exploits checkpoint defects and ATM-dependent double strand break repair in TP53-mutant glioblastoma, Nat Comm

Base excision repair and double strand break repair cooperate to modulate the formation of unrepaired double strand breaks in mouse brain, Nat Comm

High-complexity of DNA double-strand breaks is key for alternative end-joining choice, Comm Biol

Lamin A/C facilitates DNA damage response by modulating ATM signaling and homologous recombination pathways, Anim Cells Syst (Seoul)

DNA double-strand break–capturing nuclear envelope tubules drive DNA repair, NSMB

HLTF resolves G4s and promotes G4-induced replication fork slowing to maintain genome stability, Mol Cell

Guidelines for minimal information on cellular senescence experimentation in vivo, Cell

mTORC2-driven chromatin cGAS mediates chemoresistance through epigenetic reprogramming in colorectal cancer, NCB

NBS1 lactylation is required for efficient DNA repair and chemotherapy resistance, Nature

Systematic investigation of BRCA1-A, -B, and -C complexes and their functions in DNA damage response and DNA repair, Oncogene

A non-canonical role for a small nucleolar RNA in ribosome biogenesis and senescence, Cell

SMARCAL1 is a dual regulator of innate immune signaling and PD-L1 expression that promotes tumor immune evasion, Cell

DNA break induces rapid transcription repression mediated by proteasome-dependent RNAPII removal, Cell Reports

CCAR1 promotes DNA repair via alternative splicing, Molecular Cell

Circadian PERIOD proteins regulate TC-DSB repair through 2 anchoring to the nuclear envelope, bioRxiv

Structure and repair of replication-coupled DNA breaks, Science (←誰か論文紹介してくれますかね、、)

Inherited C-terminal TREX1 variants disrupt homology-directed repair to cause senescence and DNA damage phenotypes in Drosophila, mice, and humans, Nat Comm

Tumor-associated neutrophil precursors impair homologous DNA repair and promote sensitivity to PARP-inhibition, Preprint (Research Square)

Heterochromatic 3D genome organization is directed by HP1a- and H3K9-dependent and independent mechanisms, Mol Cell

Micronuclei induced by radiation, replication stress, or chromosome segregation errors do not activate cGAS-STING, Mol Cell (館野さん、講座論文紹介での紹介ありがとうございました)

Homologous recombination promotes mitotic death to suppress the innate immune response, bioRxiv

The CRL5–SPSB3 ubiquitin ligase targets nuclear cGAS for degradation, Nature

DNA-PK participates in pre-rRNA biogenesis independent of DNA double-strand break repair, NAR

ARID1A regulates DNA repair through chromatin organization and its deficiency triggers DNA damage-mediated anti-tumor immune response, NAR

Passive smoking-induced mutagenesis as a promoter of lung carcinogenesis, Journal of Thoracic Oncology

PARP1-DNA co-condensation drives DNA repair site assembly to prevent disjunction of broken DNA ends, Cell

Irradiated Tumour Cell-Derived Microparticles Upregulate MHC-I Expression in Cancer Cells via DNA Double-Strand Break Repair Pathway, Cancer Letters

Formation of memory assemblies through the DNA-sensing TLR9 pathway, Nature (浅田先生、GDN journalでのご紹介ありがとうございました)

Neuronal DNA double-strand breaks lead to genome structural variations and 3D genome disruption in neurodegeneration, Cell (林さん、講座論文紹介での紹介ありがとうございました)

Mitochondrial DNA damage triggers spread of Parkinson’s disease-like pathology, Molecular Psychiatry

Transcription-coupled repair of DNA–protein cross-links depends on CSA and CSB, NCB

BLM helicase unwinds lagging strand substrates to assemble the ALT telomere damage response, Mol Cell

The SPATA5-SPATA5L1 ATPase complex directs replisome proteostasis to ensure genome integrity, Cell

NFATC2IP is a mediator of SUMO-dependent genome integrity, Genes & Development

VCF1 is a p97/VCP cofactor promoting recognition of ubiquitylated p97-UFD1-NPL4 substrates, Nat Comm

SMARCAL1 ubiquitylation controls its association with RPA-coated ssDNA and promotes replication fork stability, PLOS Biology

Genetic determinants of micronucleus formation in vivo, Nature (奥田さん、講座論文紹介での紹介ありがとうございました)

Mechanisms of RNF168 nucleosome recognition and ubiquitylation, Mol Cell

Chromatin Organization after High-LET Irradiation Revealed by Super-Resolution STED Microscopy, IJMS

Single-cell and spatial profiling identify three response trajectories to pembrolizumab and radiation therapy in triple negative breast cancer, Cancer Cell

Tumor- and circulating-free DNA methylation identifies clinically relevant small cell lung cancer subtypes, Cancer Cell

EXO1-mediated ssDNA gap expansion is essential for ATR activation and to maintain viability in BRCA1-deficient cells, bioRxiv

EXO1 protects BRCA1-deficient cells against toxic DNA lesions, Molecular Cell

APOBEC3A induces DNA gaps through PRIMPOL and confers gap-associated therapeutic vulnerability, Sci Adv (←誰か論文紹介してくれますかね、、)

Aberrant DNA repair reveals a vulnerability in histone H3.3-mutant brain tumors, NAR

CDC7 inhibition induces replication stress-mediated aneuploid cells with an inflammatory phenotype sensitizing tumors to immune checkpoint blockade, Nat Comm

DNA double-strand break end synapsis by DNA loop extrusion, Nat Comm

Genome-wide analysis of DNA-PK-bound MRN cleavage products supports a sequential model of DSB repair pathway choice, Nat Comm

Visualization of direct and diffusion-assisted RAD51 nucleation by full-length human BRCA2 protein, Mol Cell

MutSβ protects common fragile sites by facilitating homology-directed repair at DNA double-strand breaks with secondary structures, NAR

Metabolic regulation of homologous recombination repair by MRE11 lactylation, Cell (林さん、講座論文紹介での紹介ありがとうございました)

iMUT-seq: high-resolution DSB-induced mutation profiling reveals prevalent homologous-recombination dependent mutagenesis, Nat Comm

Unrepaired base excision repair intermediates in template DNA strands trigger replication fork collapse and PARP inhibitor sensitivity, EMBO J

Quantitative, titratable and high-throughput reporter assays to measure DNA double strand break repair activity in cells, NAR

Neuronal DNA double-strand breaks lead to genome structural variations and 3D genome disruption in neurodegeneration, Cell

The chromatin network helps prevent cancer-associated mutagenesis at transcription-replication conflicts, Nat Comm

Chromatin compartmentalization regulates the response to DNA damage, Nature (奥村さん、講座論文紹介での紹介ありがとうございました)

ATR promotes clearance of damaged DNA and damaged cells by rupturing micronuclei, Mol Cell

DNA damage induces nuclear envelope rupture through ATR-mediated phosphorylation of lamin A/C, Mol Cell 

DICER ribonuclease removes harmful R-loops, Mol Cell

Antagonistic roles of canonical and Alternative-RPA in disease-associated tandem CAG repeat instability, Cell

Polθ is phosphorylated by PLK1 to repair double-strand breaks in mitosis, Nature

MSH2-MSH3 promotes DNA end resection during homologous recombination and blocks polymerase theta-mediated end-joining through interaction with SMARCAD1 and EXO1, NAR

RAP80 phase separation at DNA double-strand break promotes BRCA1 recruitment, NAR

GAPDH facilitates homologous recombination repair by stabilizing RAD51 in an HDAC1-dependent manner, EMBO Rep

ZEB1 promotes non-homologous end joining double-strand break repair, NAR

DNA-PK is activated by SIRT2 deacetylation to promote DNA double-strand break repair by non-homologous end joining, NAR

Immunotherapy targeting different immune compartments in combination with radiation therapy induces regression of resistant tumors, Nat Comm

Short Double-Stranded DNA (≤40-bp) Affects Repair Pathway Choice, IJMS

Unrepaired base excision repair intermediates in template DNA strands trigger replication fork collapse and PARP inhibitor sensitivity, EMBO J

The complementarity of DDR, nucleic acids and anti-tumour immunity, Nature

The interplay between the DNA damage response and ectonucleotidases modulates tumor response to therapy, Science Immunology

Break-induced replication orchestrates resection-dependent template switching, Nature

DNA double-strand break end synapsis by DNA loop extrusion, Nat Comm

ATM phosphorylates the FATC domain of DNA-PKcs at threonine 4102 to promote non-homologous end joining, NAR

SLFN5-mediated chromatin dynamics sculpt higher-order DNA repair topology, Mol Cell (林さん、講座論文紹介での紹介ありがとうございました)

Sequence and chromatin features guide DNA double-strand break resection initiation, Mol Cell [おすすめ] (奥村さん、講座論文紹介での紹介ありがとうございました)

Polymerase θ inhibition activates the cGAS-STING pathway and cooperates with immune checkpoint blockade in models of BRCA-deficient cancer, Nat Comm

SARS-CoV-2 infection induces DNA damage, through CHK1 degradation and impaired 53BP1 recruitment, and cellular senescence, NCB [おすすめ]

Phase separation properties of RPA combine high-affinity ssDNA binding with dynamic condensate functions at telomeres, NSMB [おすすめ]

DDX47, MeCP2, and other functionally heterogeneous factors protect cells from harmful R loops, Cell Rep

Antecedent chromatin organization determines cGAS recruitment to ruptured micronuclei, Nat Comm

Metabolic enzyme UAP1 mediates IRF3 pyrophosphorylation to facilitate innate immune response, Molecular Cell

Heterochromatic repeat clustering imposes a physical barrier on homologous recombination to prevent chromosomal translocations, Molecular Cell

ATR-mediated CD47 and PD-L1 up-regulation restricts radiotherapy-induced immune priming and abscopal responses in colorectal cancer, Science Immunology [おすすめ]

Single-nucleosome imaging reveals steady-state motion of interphase chromatin in living human cells, Science Advances

Radiotherapy in combination with CD47 blockade elicits a macrophage-mediated abscopal effect, Nature Cancer

Tissue fluidification promotes a cGAS–STING cytosolic DNA response in invasive breast cancer, Nature Materials

R-loop-derived cytoplasmic RNA–DNA hybrids activate an immune response, Nature

Predicting tumour radiosensitivity to deliver precision radiotherapy, Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology

The BRCA1 BRCT promotes antisense RNA production and double-stranded RNA formation to suppress ribosomal R-loops, PNAS

Active DNA demethylation promotes cell fate specification and the DNA damage response, Science

DNA double-strand break-derived RNA drives TIRR/53BP1 complex dissociation, Cell Rep

Blocking PD-L1–PD-1 improves senescence surveillance and ageing phenotypes, Nature

CtIP-dependent nascent RNA expression flanking DNA breaks guides the choice of DNA repair pathway, Nat Comm.

Precision digital mapping of endogenous and induced genomic DNA breaks by INDUCE-seq, Nat Comm.

Formation of clustered DNA damage in vivo upon irradiation with ionizing radiation: Visualization and analysis with atomic force microscopy, PNAS

CDYL1-dependent decrease in lysine crotonylation at DNA double-strand break sites functionally uncouples transcriptional silencing and repair, Mol Cell

A POLD3/BLM dependent pathway handles DSBs in transcribed chromatin upon excessive RNA:DNA hybrid accumulation, Nat Comm.

Bloom helicase mediates formation of large single-stranded DNA loops during DNA end processing, Nat Comm.

BRD4 promotes resection and homology-directed repair of DNA double-strand breaks, Nat Comm.

Targeting replication stress in cancer therapy, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery

Cyclin J–CDK complexes limit innate immune responses by reducing proinflammatory changes in macrophage metabolism, Science Signaling

S1-END-seq reveals DNA secondary structures in human cells, Mol Cell

RAD51 protects human cells from transcription-replication conflicts, Mol Cell

Mitotic DNA synthesis is caused by transcription-replication conflicts in BRCA2-deficient cells, Mol Cell

Increasing cell size remodels the proteome and promotes senescence, Mol Cell

Structural mechanism of endonucleolytic processing of blocked DNA ends and hairpins by Mre11-Rad50, Mol Cell

Autologous K63 deubiquitylation within the BRCA1-A complex licenses DNA damage recognition, JCB

Deciphering the immunopeptidome in vivo reveals new tumour antigens, Nature

Cancer cells use self-inflicted DNA breaks to evade growth limits imposed by genotoxic stress, Science

Stalled replication fork protection limits cGAS–STING and P-body-dependent innate immune signalling, NCB

RIF1-ASF1-mediated high-order chromatin structure safeguards genome integrity, Nat Comm

Histone chaperone ASF1 acts with RIF1 to promote DNA end joining in BRCA1-deficient cells, JBC

BRD4 promotes resection and homology-directed repair of DNA double-strand breaks MARCH8 attenuates cGAS-mediated innate immune responses through ubiquitylation, Science Signaling

STING agonism reprograms tumor-associated macrophages and overcomes resistance to PARP inhibition in BRCA1-deficient models of breast cancer, Nature Communications

Mre11-Rad50 oligomerization promotes DNA double-strand break repair, Nature Communications

The use of machine learning to discover regulatory networks controlling biological systems, Mol Cell

Cancer cells use self-inflicted DNA breaks to evade growth limits imposed by genotoxic stress, Science

H3K4 methylation by SETD1A/BOD1L facilitates RIF1-dependent NHEJ, Mol Cell

Human topoisomerases and their roles in genome stability and organization, Nature Review

NBS1-CtIP–mediated DNA end resection suppresses cGAS binding to micronuclei, NAR [おすすめ]

RIF1 acts in DNA repair through phosphopeptide recognition of 53BP1, Mol Cell

Telomere dysfunction in ageing and age-related diseases, Nat Cell Biol, review

The threat of programmed DNA damage to neuronal genome integrity and plasticity, Nature Genetics

Genetic analysis of cancer drivers reveals cohesin and CTCF as suppressors of PD-L1, PNAS

BRD4-IRF1 axis regulates chemoradiotherapy-induced PD-L1 expression and immune evasion in non-small cell lung cancer, Clin. Transl. Med.

Mutations in the adenosine deaminase ADAR1 that prevent endogenous Z-RNA binding induce Aicardi-Goutières syndrome–like encephalopathy, Immunity

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53BP1 regulates heterochromatin through liquid phase separation, Nat Comm

53BP1–shieldin-dependent DSB processing in BRCA1-deficient cells requires CST–Polα–primase fill-in synthesis, Nature [おすすめ]

cGAS recruitment to micronuclei is dictated by pre-existing nuclear chromatin status, bioRxiv

Demethylase JMJD2D induces PD-L1 expression to promote colorectal cancer immune escape by enhancing IFNGR1-STAT3-IRF1 signaling, Oncogene

DNA-PK inhibitor peposertib amplifies radiation-induced inflammatory micronucleation and enhances TGFβ/PD-L1 targeted cancer immunotherapy, Mol Can Res

DNA-PK promotes activation of the survival kinase AKT in response to DNA damage through an mTORC2-ECT2 pathway Science Signaling

EMSY inhibits homologous recombination repair and the interferon response, promoting lung cancer immune evasion, Cell

Assessing kinetics and recruitment of DNA repair factors using high content screens, Cell Reports

Impact of chromatin context on Cas9-induced DNA double-strand break repair pathway balance, Mol Cell [おすすめ]

Cas9 deactivation with photocleavable guide RNAs, Mol Cell [おすすめ]

Microenvironmental IL-6 inhibits anti-cancer immune responses generated by cytotoxic chemotherapy, Nature Communications

Radiation therapy enhances immunotherapy response in microsatellite stable colorectal and pancreatic adenocarcinoma in a phase II trial, Nat Cancer

Global burden of cancer in 2020 attributable to alcohol consumption: a population-based study, The Lancet Oncology

cGAS phase separation inhibits TREX1-mediated DNA degradation and enhances cytosolic DNA sensing, Mol Cell

Radiation Therapy Enhances Immunotherapy Response in Microsatellite-stable Colorectal and Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma in a Phase II Trial, Nat Cancer

Compromised nuclear envelope integrity drives TREX1-dependent DNA damage and tumor cell invasion, Cell

ER-directed TREX1 limits cGAS activation at micronuclei, Mol Cell

HELQ is a dual-function DSB repair enzyme modulated by RPA and RAD51, Nature

RPA phosphorylation facilitates RAD52 dependent homologous recombination in BRCA-deficient cells, MCB

IFI16 inhibits DNA repair that potentiates type-I interferon-induced antitumor effects in triple negative breast cancer, Cell Reports

Genome instability independent of type I interferon signaling drives neuropathology caused by impaired ribonucleotide excision repair, Neuron
DNA damage rather than type I IFN signaling is the primary mediator of neural dysfunction in Aicardi-Goutie`res syndrome after RNASEH2 disruption, Neuron (review)

FAM72A antagonizes UNG2 to promote mutagenic repair during antibody maturation, Nature

The effect of hypoxia on PD-L1 expression in bladder cancer, BMC Cancer

R-loops trigger the release of cytoplasmic ssDNAs leading to chronic inflammation upon DNA damage, Sci Adv

The ubiquitin E3 ligase FBXO22 degrades PD-L1 and sensitizes cancer cells to DNA damage, PNAS

DUSP6 regulates radio-sensitivity in glioblastoma by modulating the recruitment of p-DNAPKcs at DNA double-strand breaks, JCS

Damage-induced chromatome dynamics link Ubiquitin ligase and proteasome recruitment to histone loss and efficient DNA repair, Mol Cell

Postablation Modulation after Single High-Dose Radiation Therapy Improves Tumor Control via Enhanced Immunomodulation, Clin Cancer Res

DNA Damage-Induced Nucleosome Depletion Enhances Homology Search Independently of Local Break Movement, Mol Cell, 2020

Histone degradation in response to DNA damage enhances chromatin dynamics and recombination rates, NSMB, 2017

Very fast CRISPR on demand, Science [おすすめ]


Organ aging signatures in the plasma proteome track health and disease, Nature 2023

Naturally occurring p16Ink4a-positive cells shorten healthy lifespan, Nature 2016

PD-1+ memory phenotype CD4+ T cells expressing C/EBPα underlie T cell immunodepression in senescence and leukemia, PNAS 2009
